=== IZ-Calender === Contributors: Paul Cilliers Tags: calender, calendar, Calender events, Caledar events, events, IZ, IZ-Calender, Wigdet, Widgets, Widget Calender, Widget Caledar, Paul, Cilliers, Paul, Cilliers Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.1 Stable tag: 3.0 License: GPLv2 == Description == IZ-Calender is a user-friendly callendar view of events that can be used as a widget and/or page. Version 3.0 provides a clean admin interface (including quick insert dashboard panel) which enables you to add, update, delete and manage events. Simple drag the IZ-Calendar widget into your sidebar and view upcoming events. = Features = * NEW:Dashboard panel that allows you to do quick inserts of events * NEW:Widget settings which allows you to set the direction to which the events list should popup. * NEW:Events page listing all events as teasers and shows selected event's full detials. * NEW:Simple WYSIWYG editor for event descriptions (bold, itallic, underline, ect) * NEW:Day display for sidebar calendar widget * NEW:Settings page were you can change the color scheme of the user interface to fit your theme and more! == Installation == 1. Unpack the download-package 2. Upload the folder to your wp plugin directory of you wordpress instalation. 3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 4. Admin Menu `IZ-Calender` 5. Drag the wigdet to your sidebar ( Menu `Appearance` -> `widgets` ) 6. Change te look of your calendar ( Menu `IZ-Calender` -> `Settings` ) 7. Start adding events from the admin interface ( Menu `IZ-Calender` -> `Add new` ) or do quick inserts form the dashboard 8. Done! == Screenshots == 1. Admin interface - Creating events using simple WYSIWYG (WordPress 3.1) 2. Admin interface - Settings (WordPress 3.1) 3. Default sidebar user interface and event details (WordPress 3.1) 4. Events page showing all events (WordPress 3.1) == Changelog == = 3.0 = * FIX - Page Content break lines * Added dashboard calendar widget * Added calender sidebar widget settings * Added settings page * Added events page * Added simple WYSIWYG to event descriptions * FIXED:Events list order. latest first * FIXED:IE 7 styling issues = 2.0 = * Widgetized calender to display in sidebars = 1.2.1 = * Bugfix - User interface styling issue == Upgrade Notice == = 3.0 = IZ-Calendar version 3.0 is almost a complete redo of the user interface and comes with a lot of new features that enables a lot more control over the plugin's style and behaviour! I highly recomend upgrading any version prior to 3.0! == Frequently Asked Questions == = Why is the user-interface not displaying correctly? = Your theme's style.css might be interfering with the default css of the plugin. To customize the way the plugin is displayed in your theme either create styles overwriting the the styles called from izcalender/css/iz-calender.css or customize izcalender/css/iz-calender.css to suit your theme. This plugin was developed following WP best practice and will work best with themes thats developed using the same standards. = How do I make suggestions or report bugs for this plugin? = Email questions,bugs and suggestions to paul@intisul.co.za